What’s the difference between Clinical Pilates and large class-based Reformer Pilates ?

What’s the difference between Clinical Pilates and large class-based Reformer Pilates ?

Posted by Liz KerrMay 27th 2024
It is important to consider the pros and cons of each option to understand which may be of most benefit you.
Onero™ Program

Onero™ Program

Posted by Curtis LeeApril 18th 2024
Osteoporosis? Doctor recommends exercise? But what exercise? Research has demonstrated that only certain types of exercise improves bone health.
What is BPPV?

What is BPPV?

Posted by Sarah GurryApril 11th 2024
You get out of bed and the world is spinning. Your G.P. has diagnosed you with BPPV. How can physiotherapy help?
What is TMJ / Jaw Pain?

What is TMJ / Jaw Pain?

Posted by Curtis LeeNovember 13th 2023
In a word of endless computer screen usage and escalating stress, Temporomandibular (Jaw) dysfunction/pain has become increasingly prevalent. Learn more about this condition here!
How can physiotherapy help if you have mastitis?

How can physiotherapy help if you have mastitis?

Posted by Sarah GurryApril 13th 2023
Up to 27% of Australian breastfeeding mothers experience mastitis. Did you know that a physiotherapist can help you manage your engorged, blocked and tender breasts?
Gluteal Tendinopathy

Gluteal Tendinopathy

Posted by Curtis LeeOctober 6th 2022
Do you have pain on the side of your hip? One of the most common sources of side hip pain is gluteal tendinopathy.
Dealing with Ankle Sprains

Dealing with Ankle Sprains

Posted by Curtis LeeJuly 18th 2022
Most people have experienced an ankle sprain whether from stepping on an uneven surface, playing sport or going downstairs. The swelling, bruising, pain and restricted movement can be debilitating and it also stops you from participating in your favourite physical activities. Ankle sprains happen when you excessively roll your ankle inwards or outwards, which can lead to damage on the surrounding structures. A simple way to determine the severity of the sprain, is your ability to put weight on the ankle after the injury.
Five ways to stay active during isolation

Five ways to stay active during isolation

Posted by Anna SanchezFebruary 2nd 2022
5 Stretches To Combat Low Back Pain

5 Stretches To Combat Low Back Pain

Posted by Anna SanchezFebruary 2nd 2022
How to get on top of Chronic Pain

How to get on top of Chronic Pain

Posted by Anna SanchezFebruary 2nd 2022
Goal Setting that Works

Goal Setting that Works

Posted by Anna SanchezFebruary 1st 2022
At this time of year, many people are looking back at their New Year's resolutions and wondering if keeping those resolutions is really...
What is low back pain, and what can I do about it?

What is low back pain, and what can I do about it?

Posted by Anna SanchezFebruary 1st 2022
Whether it’s walking, pilates, basketball or ballet, find an exercise that’s right for you and get moving.